MiniTeaser Milani Design Agentur ServiceDesign Kreislaufwirtschaft Consulting Rucknahme System Medizinprodukt CircularDesign MiniTeaser Milani Design Agentur ServiceDesign Kreislaufwirtschaft Consulting Rucknahme System Medizinprodukt CircularDesign

Service design for developing a take-back system for a new medical device

Milani has supported a leading international developer and manufacturer of injection and infusion systems in developing first concrete solutions for a medical device take-back service, , boosting circular economy innovation and enhancing sustainability. 

Adapting to New EU Sustainability Guidelines

A leading developer and manufacturer of injection and infusion systems recognized early on the future relevance of stricter sustainability guidelines for medical devices. Due to the long development times in medical technology, it is foreseeable that a new type of medical device, which is still under development, will have to be disposed of in accordance with new recycling legislation when it is launched on the market in the European Union in the future. The manufacturer wanted to develop a system to efficiently recover and properly dispose of the products at the end of their life.

Our approach: rapid prototyping of the take-back service

Milani led the company's interdisciplinary team through a structured innovation process. Together, we developed first concrete solutions for a take-back service that brings back the disposable products and recovers valuable materials for possible recycling. One of the challenges was to anticipate and incorporate future technological developments, regulatory requirements and trends. It was also important to create the right incentives for pharmaceutical customers and users, especially patients and healthcare professionals.

We analyzed the current product system, identified stakeholder needs and uncovered innovation potentials in the context of the circular economy. Using rapid prototyping, we were able to quickly test the developed solutions with pharmaceutical customers, implementation partners, doctors and patients. Our methodical approach enabled us to quickly identify key challenges and optimize the take-back service to meet both regulatory requirements and the needs of patients and healthcare professionals.

Building in-house circular economy expertise

Throughout the project, we supported the company in building its internal expertise in service design and circular economy. Milani provided practical methodological and technical knowledge and ensured that the team was able to continue the project independently.

Milani services at a glance

  • Innovation Consulting
  • Service Design
  • Training and development of circular economy expertise
  • System analysis & mapping
  • Circular business model design
  • User Experience Design
Nadine Wolf
Get in touch!
Nadine Wolf
Lead Innovation & Business Design
+41 44 914 74 74