00 Teaser milani design consulting agency industry denipro investment goods innovation production2 00 Teaser milani design consulting agency industry denipro investment goods innovation production2

Industrial design with that certain something

Design for investment goods

In the world of investment goods, design is increasingly becoming a competitive factor. At Milani, we create industrial design products that impress with their functionality and sophisticated details. We understand complex requirements and combine technical expertise with a clear focus on user-centricity and sustainability. The result: solutions that meet market needs and delight your customers.


Industrial design that reinforces your brand

At Milani, form follows function. Our industrial design ensures effortless usability and ease of manufacture. With a deep understanding of user needs, production technology, ergonomics and material science, we develop durable, low-maintenance designs that stand up to the most demanding conditions. We take special care to ensure that the product language is perfectly aligned with your company's DNA and authentically reinforces your brand. 

We harmonize all these elements with our extensive know-how and creativity. We offer customized solutions that are ergonomic, safe, economical and aesthetic. At the same time, we integrate sustainability aspects into your product development process. We help you minimize the environmental footprint of your products through eco-design.

Bernard Gschwend
Director Engineering, L. Kellenberger & Co. AG
«With Milani as our new partner, we started the collaboration under massive deadline pressure to create a new unique design. In addition to the ergonomics, Milani succeeded in capturing the Swissness factor excellently, in a simple but offensive design.»
«With Milani as our new partner, we started the collaboration under massive deadline pressure to create a new unique design. In addition to the ergonomics, Milani succeeded in capturing the Swissness factor excellently, in a simple but offensive design.»

A consistent story for your brand - from brochure to tradeshow booth

We help your company create a distinctive brand image that sets you apart from the competition in a tangible and sustainable way. Based on your brand strategy, we develop a consistent brand story that effectively showcases your corporate values and implements them at key B2B customer touch points.

From product portfolios and brochures to reports and tradeshow appearances, we build trust and credibility for your company and ensure a compelling, lasting overall impression.

Ecodesign and circular design for sustainable capital goods

Customers and stakeholders expect industrial design to consider sustainability. At the same time, sustainability regulations in the marketplace are becoming more stringent. Since up to 80% of a product's environmental impact and production costs are already determined in the design phase, Milani combines sustainable design with design for manufacturing to clearly differentiate your product from the competition.

With our years of experience in eco-design, Milani can help your company improve the sustainability of your capital goods and integrate it into product development at an early stage. Together, we will make your products fit for the new mandatory sustainability regulations and help you tap into new business potential in the circular economy.


Let's talk

Contact us to find out how we can work together to create innovative capital goods that strengthen your brand and inspire your customers.

Contact us

Reference projects industrial design

Be inspired by our successful industrial design projects.

Therese Naef
Get in touch!
Therese Naef
CEO and Board Member
+41 44 914 74 74