Dokoki milani design consulting agency Product design consumer goods baby monitor09 Dokoki milani design consulting agency Product design consumer goods baby monitor09

Products that delight

Design for consumer goods

At Milani, we design products that perfectly combine functionality and style. With a clear focus on user-centricity and sustainability, we create designs that bring joy and strengthen your brand.

Distinctive product design that delights

At Milani, we create consumer goods that enrich everyday life and bring joy. Our designs combine functionality with aesthetics and, by combining physical and digital products and services, create unique product experiences that are remembered for a long time. With decades of experience, we understand the importance of emotional connection. We develop customized solutions that authentically reflect your brand and build a strong connection with users.


Whether ergonomic handling, appealing aesthetics, haptic quality or compliance with new regulatory ecodesign andn product sustainability requirements - we seamlessly integrate all relevant aspects into the development process. With a keen sense of trends and user needs, we design sophisticated details that make your products distinctive and stand out from the competition.

Stefan Keller
Former CTO, V-ZUG
«The Milani team helped us break out of our internal view and think from the customer's perspective. The methods and visualization techniques used, coupled with the didactic support, were unique and very effective. »
«The Milani team helped us break out of our internal view and think from the customer's perspective. The methods and visualization techniques used, coupled with the didactic support, were unique and very effective. »

A consistent story - from branding to product design and packaging

Based on your brand strategy and a user-centric approach, we ensure an inspiring, seamless experience for your customers. From corporate branding and logo development to product design, UX / UI design and packaging, we create a consistent story that positions your brand clearly and anchors it emotionally. Our multidisciplinary design team is with you every step of the way, from idea to execution, helping you create a consistent and compelling brand experience.

We effectively present your company at all customer touch points, whether digital or physical, and help you develop new products and services as well as sustainable packaging solutions, that get your message across. We also support you in embedding sustainability as an integral part of your brand and innovation process - from the choice of materials for your products, to eco-friendly packaging, to new services in line with the circular economy.

We make your proucts ready for the new sustainability regulations

The new European Ecodesign for Sustainable Products (ESPR) directive will make eco-friendly product design mandatory. Companies will have to meet higher standards in terms of material selection, absence of harmful substances, durability, repairability and recyclability - for both products and packaging. Since up to 80% of environmental impact is determined in the design phase, Milani focuses on integrating sustainability into the design process at an early stage. With our extensive experience in ecodesign and circular design, we help you meet these new regulatory requirements while differentiating yourself in the marketplace.

Whether your company is just starting out or already pursuing sustainable design initiatives: We support you in reducing the environmental footprint of your portfolio and strengthening your internal sustainable product development capabilities. We also work with you to develop innovative services and business models to unlock new potential in the circular economy - practical, marketable and future-proof.

Let's talk

Let's work together to create inspiring design solutions for your products.

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Clients that trust us

Reference projects consumer goods design

For over 60 years, Milani has been creating consumer products that delight consumers and reflect the brand's values. Get inspired by our reference projects.

Therese Naef
Get in touch!
Therese Naef
CEO and Board Member
+41 44 914 74 74